

Types of Groups

There are two types of groups on the platform:

Administrative Groups are groups defined by your organization’s administration (if any) and set up on the platform via Single Sign-on protocol or the user account creation implemented from the .csv it has provided. Trainers and learners are assigned to these groups by your organization. Trainers not already assigned to an Administrative Group can join it if they need to, and then can give the group assignments and schedule assessment tests, but they cannot modify its name, or add or remove learners or other trainers from the class. Trainers cannot create or delete Administrative Groups.

Custom Groups are groups created by a trainer, who names the group and places learners in it. The group can be joined by other trainers. Trainers can create or delete such groups as needed. If your organization has not defined any Administrative Groups, trainers will only see the Custom Groups they have created or joined.

What can I do with my groups?

You can create Assignments or Missions for a class, or schedule an Assessment Test for the class, as well as consult and download usage statistics and the results of assignments and tests. You can also choose to create groups by level, which enables you to calibrate Assignments or Missions according to difficulty level.

How do I create a Custom Group?

To create a new Custom Group, select “Create A New Custom Group” at the top of the My Groups section. Choose a name for the group, and then select the learners to add to the group. You can filter the learner list by Trainer (learners already in a group with a specific trainer) or Group (learners already in a specific group). You can also use the search function to search for specific learners by name or - if they have used one - licence code.

How do I add learners to a Custom Group?

When you have started to create a new Custom Group and selected a name for it, you will be prompted to add learners to that group. You can filter the view of the learner list by Trainer (learners already in a group with a specific trainer) or Group (learners already in a specific group). You can also use the search function to search for specific learners by name or, if they have used one, licence code.

To add learners to an existing Custom Group, select “Manage” at the bottom of the group card in the Custom Groups area of the My Groups section. You can then add specific learners using the functions described above

How do I change a learner's Custom Group?

To move one or more learners from one Custom Group to another, go the the Custom Groups area of the My Groups section and select “Manage” at the bottom of the card of the learners’ current group. Select “Remove Learners” at the bottom of the displayed screen and then select the learners for removal. To now move them to another Custom Group, simply add them to that group by going to the card of the destination group and using the same functions, this time selecting “Add Learners.”

Alternatively, you can use the purple learners icon in the upper right-hand corner of the My Groups section. Select “All Groups” or select the group from which the learners(s) will be removed, and then expand the menu via the arrow next to each learner’s name. You can then toggle the green switch to remove them from any group. Repeat the process and toggle the greyed-out switch to green to add learners to any other group.

Can I delete Custom Groups?

You can stop teaching any Custom Group by removing it (selecting the red “Remove Group” button in the top right-hand corner of the group card) from the Custom Groups area of the My Groups section.

If however you are the only trainer teaching this group (you will know this if no other trainer appear on the “Other Trainer(s) line on the group card) the group will be deleted and all group data, such as Assignment and Test results, will no longer be available in the context of that group. As you cannot undo this action, be careful and export the group data before finalizing the deletion of the group.